
Exodus 1-3 is an introduction to the story of Moses – the man who God used to deliver the Israelites from Egypt into the land of promise. Below are my takeaways from these chapters:

  1. Moses’s life was pre-orchestrated by God. In Exodus 1, we see how he was spared from the hands of Pharaoh during a time when all Israelite male children were being slaughtered. Not only was his life spared, he was also placed in the home of Pharaoh, a man that was set out to kill him. His whole purpose was to play a major part in God’s redemption of the Israelites from the Egyptians to the “Promise Land”.

    The story of Moses reminds me that every stage of my life is orchestrated by God. He is the “Author and the Finisher of my Faith” , “the Beginning and the End”. It is a reminder that He knows my beginning from my end. My tomorrow from my today. With this understanding of who He is, it should be easier to trust Him with everything.
  1. In Exodus 3:19-20, God speaks of things to come. Not only does He speak of things to come, He informs Moses that He has already made provision for them. It’s already taken care of.

    This is another reminder that God sees all things and knows all things as per the first takeaway. Not only does he know tomorrow, He has made provisions ahead of time. He is aware of the obstacles, the pain and all my needs along the way and He has already made provision – Jehovah Jireh!
  1. In Exodus 3: 11-20, Moses asked God a very important question, “Who am I that you should send me?” and God said “I will be with you”.

    God’s response to Moses is literally my favorite part of this reading. God’s response is very simple but it is also everything. God’s response simplifies so many things in my life. God simply says “All you need is Me!” I have learnt that I am not qualified by what I do, think or say, but I’m only qualified because He is with me and in me. I carry Him everywhere I go. He is the difference! All I need is God and all I am is God!


Walking in FAITH…..x

Lord, I surrender and submit everything to you,

help me to remember that you are my beginning and my end,

help me to choose you daily because you are the difference I need to see in myself,

help me to learn to trust you because it’s not by my power or might.

When they see me, let them always see you first.


Fishers of GREATNESS!!

The story of Jesus and the fishermen at Lake Galilee still turns on my waterworks every time.

This story in Mark 1:16-20 is eveeeerything to me! Here’s why!

  1. First of all that story taught me that my best, is not God’s best. I mean these fishermen including Simon Peter and Andrew, regularly fished in the Lake of Galilee. We don’t know how many fish they got on average per day. All we know is that the one moment they met Jesus Christ, they got the most fish of their lifetime with just one throw of the net in the sea.
  2. Just one moment with Jesus would change your life! Those fishermen met Jesus for the first time and after that their lives changed for the best as they went on to be his disciples.
  3. God doesn’t care about your past or current situation. Jesus walked up to those fishermen. They didn’t walk up to him, He did. Jesus only cared about eternity/eternal life.
  4. After their encounter with Jesus at sea, they followed him. How many of us have chosen to follow Jesus even after all He’s done for us? Following Jesus, is all abut following the King of all Kings who has all the authority in heaven and on earth!


Walking in FAITH……x

God’s Favour

God is always willing to do good things for us that we don’t deserve, whether we asked or not. The greatest thing He did for us was sending His own beloved son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us! Till this very day, he still leaves little surprises at the every corner to make us happy.

Most times, we pray for God’s favour but do we even realize when it’s manifested in our lives?

When we pray to God we always expect something BIG and we fail to notice the little things He has done that we didn’t even deserve. God’s favour is not based on our expectations but if we think deeply we will find out we needed those little miracles more than we knew. Another reason we don’t realize it is we see those things as fate or luck. Thinking in this way causes us to take advantage of God’s favour in our lives.

This past week, God had been faithful and had blessed me a lot. From the free tooth filling I neglected to being chosen at work for an important event. It took other people for me to realize the favour of God in my life. When we finally see evidence of God’s favour in our lives, we should remember to thank him whole-heartedly!


Walking in Faith…..x



Lord, thank you for your abundant favour in our lives,

thank you for your unconditional love for us that has no bounds,

Help us to be conscious of your favour in our lives and have mercy on us when we don’t,

Thank you for still blessing us even when we don’t remember to say “Thank you”.




Investing In Eternity!

We invest for future gain. Its not about what we want right now but about what we want tomorrow to be like.

Having a relationship with God is the only way we can be sure that we are going to heaven. We have to commune daily with God through prayer and by reading the Word to have a relationship with Him.

When we have a personal relationship with God, we are slowly being perfected and refined. The Bible tells us in Romans 3:23, that all have sinned and fallen short of His glory. We know from this scripture that we cannot save ourselves. We are sinful in nature and only and ONLY when we accept Jesus into our hearts and cultivate a relationship with him will we be able to tap into the grace being offered to us at no cost at all. This is a sure thing. It’s not by our power, might or even our works! God loved us enough to send His only son to die on the cross for us therefore, it’s only through FAITH in Him that we can make heaven. Furthermore, even when we fall short, He is still ready to forgive us and set us back on the path of righteousness.

If we have already been spending time with God, we should persevere and continue in that way. We shouldn’t grow weary or give up! Remember that your reward is in heaven. There’s no greater or more fulfilling reward than that.

Eternity is a really long time. Whatever path we choose now is an investment in our eternity. Let’s make the right choice and spend time with God and invest in heaven!


Walking in FAITH……x


Lord, thank you for sending your son Jesus to die for me even though I did not deserve it,

thank you for your grace which you extended to me at no cost,

thank you for saving my soul.

Help me to begin to have a personal relationship with you,

help me to remember to ask for your forgiveness and grace when I slip up,

and finally Lord, help me to remain steadfast in your Word till the end.


A Willing Heart

We are imperfect beings, therefore, we tend to lose FAITH in God. Sometimes, our FAITH will waver.

At times, we are willing to do what God wants but our hearts are not willing. We may do what He asks of us but our hearts are reluctant and bitter because it is personally challenging for us. For instance, Jonah was asked by God to warn the people of Nineveh of His wrath towards them if they didn’t repent. At first, Jonah tried to run from God which led to him being swallowed by the big fish. He was given a second chance to preach to them but he did it with a heavy heart. However, God is not deceived by our actions because He knows our hearts.

Whenever our hearts are unwilling, we should be like David and speak to ourselves. By studying the word and meditating, we can recall all the many wonders He has done for us, His children. Our hearts would be lifted when we remember that we serve a MIGHTY GOD who can divide the Red Sea to deliver us, who gives manna from heaven to feed us and provides water in the desert. We are reassured and honoured to be used by such an Awesome Wonder. Trusting Him would no longer feel like a chore.

So whatever you’re doing right now for the Lord, do it with gladness and then you would find joy in your reward! (Psalm 100:6, Matthew 5:12)


Walking in FAITH…..x


Lord, give us a willing heart,

help us to serve you with gladness,

help us to remember that you’re the greatest whenever we have our doubts,

help us to always find joy in our service so it wouldn’t be a burden to us.


Our Helper

I watched a video today called “The Blind Devotion” by Jubilee Project short film. The video began with a happy and satisfied couple that were so in love. The woman even spoke about how she loved cooking and doing her husband’s laundry to make him happy and how she loved that he watched her as she walked away to work. Then, out of the blue, life struck again! The woman found out that she was gradually going blind. She became so depressed that she began to withdraw from her husband. It was just too much for her to bear and she wanted to be alone. Her husband, who loved her so dearly, always offered to help, especially when her sight started failing. She wanted none of his help and insisted on doing everything herself because she didn’t want to feel helpless. In her own words, she didn’t want to become a patient to her husband rather than a partner. But regardless of all that, he never left her side. He let her have her space but he was always still right there watching, walking her to work and adjusting things to make life easier for her without her knowledge. He did not give up because he loved her and understood.

This is the same way God is with us and even way way more! His love for us is unconditional in all seasons! God is just like the husband in the video. We may push Him away and act like we don’t need Him but he stays close and adjusts and shifts things around for our good to make it all easier.

So whenever we are facing difficulties and frustrations, we should always remember that it could be a lot worse but it isn’t because God is there making everything work out for our good. His thoughts for us are of good and not of evil, to bring us hope and a future! (Jeremiah 29:11) So have FAITH today in your maker because he knows, he’s there and he’s working it all out!


Walking in FAITH……x


Lord, help us to remember that you’re our helper; all of our help comes from you,

help us to accept your help especially when we don’t want to,

help us to have an unwavering FAITH in you.

Thank you for always being there and having our best interests at heart.


Matching my FAITH!

Today, i’m learning to replace my urge for weed with the FAITH that God would take me through the day without it. The bible says that “FAITH can move mountains!”

God gave us FAITH as a spiritual weapon to bring down spiritual strongholds in our lives. To be able to win the fight, we have to ensure we are using the appropriate weapon. You see, our FAITH is adjustable therefore it can adapt to the situation we are facing. Our FAITH can grow as large as we need it to.  The more weight your FAITH has to carry, the bigger your FAITH. Your FAITH would grow to meet the circumstances you face. Our FAITH has no boundaries, it’s limitless.

We have to match our FAITH to the mountains in our lives. God has already given us the FAITH to overcome any and every thing! We just need to use it!


Walking in FAITH……x

Hop on the PILL!

We’ve all heard the phrase “Hey, take a chill pill!” at some point in our lives. What does it mean to take a chill pill? When someone tells you to take a chill pill, they are sorta telling you to relax. It could be because you’re stressed, worried or hurrying. Sometimes we get carried away with all the complications of life and we need people to remind us to pause and relax.

To me, that is what FAITH is!  The bible keeps telling us to believe and have FAITH. Faith is sorta our chill pill! When we are jerked around on this roller coaster called life, FAITH helps us find peace in the storm. (Romans 5:1) FAITH makes the journey a whole lot easier and allows us to still see God’s hand working in our circumstances.

So today I’m urging you, come on over and hop on the pill!


Walking in FAITH……x

Sober up!

Tomorrow, officially marks the commencement of my FAITH walk. The first area of my life i’ll be concentrating on is sobriety.

In Romans 12:3, God asks us to Sober Up! which means to let go of other gods in our life. God cannot accept our offering if it has been tampered with in anyway because it would be tainted and unacceptable. God is a jealous god and I know now that I cannot serve two masters ever. I am willing to finally obey wholly!

I have been honest with myself about this and I know it’s what I have always wanted to do. I have accepted that it’ll be one of my most difficult challenges in this journey and the temptation would definitely come but like they say “nothing good comes easy”. Plus, on a more victorious note i’m not alone on this journey. Jesus is coming along with me therefore I have nothing to fear.


Walking in FAITH……x


Father, help me to remember you’re with me during my time of doubts,

help me to trust in you even when I don’t feel like it,

help me to remember that this war is not physical and therefore I can only tackle it with FAITH and YOUR grace,

help me to remember that there is a BIGGER picture to this, YOUR picture

and finally Lord, help me not to give up on my journey.


My Journey

My life took a very unexpected turn for worse when I got into college. I cannot really place my finger on the all vices that led to my demise all I know is I woke up one day and couldn’t recognize the person I had become. You see, I always thought I was a GOOD girl- religious, modest, truthful, friendly, focused, hardworking, obedient all those kinda things. But, I know now that I’m sooo far from where I started off.

What is my life now?

My life right now is full of so many bad choices, confusion and regrets. Most of it I tried to deal with on my own and that only led to more bad decisions. I have now reached the point of extreme weariness. I keep going back & forth between what I truly want for my life and what is comfortable for me at that moment.

Recently, I streamed the rebroadcast of Bishop T.D Jakes’s sermon- “Faith as an equalizer“. This sermon spoke life to my dead spirit and I have once again begun to find my purpose in Christ. The Bishop talks about how FAITH is “spiritual money” we use to attain the things we hope for and things unseen. It helped me understand that the only way I can make it through my personal storm is to trust God to guide me through it because it’s not by our power or might but by the SPIRIT of God. (Zechariah 4:6) This message couldn’t have come at a more trying time in my life and that assures me that this WORD was for me from my loving Father. This sermon is the core of my blog.

I have tried numerous times this past year to become a disciple of Jesus to no avail. I created this blog to encourage myself as I dedicate to finding myself in God for good this time. This blog isn’t a place for me to analyze the horrible things I’ve done but rather a place where I can begin to record and track the process of my journey to redemption by FAITH. I would be recording my hopes, fears and temptations as I begin to live a life of FAITH.

I haven’t really decided how I’d be journaling my feelings and trials during this time (daily/weekly) but I’m considering writing short prayers regularly at the end of each post to strengthen me on my faith walk.


Walking in FAITH…..x


Father, I put my life in your hands now,

I’m willing to submit my will to your will,

help me to trust you with my life from hence forth,

help me to not forget the purpose of my blog along the way,

I ask for strength, favour and grace for my journey.
